Count down.

So our math class is trying to figure out when this contest will end. The contest is, the person who downloads the 25 billionth app wins a $10,000 iTunes card. So we are using numbers to figure it all out. The address above will take you to the site of the contest that occurred in 2012. Here is my math that will lead you to the date it should have ended.

             First I found an estimate of the number of apps downloaded in a minute. Which is 34,189 apps per minute. At 6:27 February 24 it is 24,658,507,655, we need to reach 25,000,000,000. So if you subtract those numbers you get 341,492,345. To find how many minutes are left till we reach 25 billion, you divide 341,492,345 by 34,189 you get 9,988 minutes. To get how many hours are left, divide that by 60 and get 166 hours. To get how many days it takes to get to 25 billion you divide that by 24 and get almost 7 days. If you add 7 days to February 24 the thing should end March 2nd at 6:30pm.  I would begin downloading apps around March 2nd about 5:30pm.

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